Diabetes Education - Get in the know!: Campaign Promoting Your ServiceMichael Bonar19 October 2020Awareness, Commissioner, Communications, Engagement, Marketing, Provider, Referring Practice
Writing a press release Promoting Your ServiceAlison Northern14 October 2020mydesmond, desmond, marketing, press, Communications
Thinking Outside the Box! Promoting Your ServiceAlison Northern14 October 2020marketing, promotion, design, provider
Linking with Health Campaigns Promoting Your ServiceAlison Northern9 October 2020promotion, campaigns, press, advertising, marketing
Utilising Pharmacies Promoting Your ServiceAlison Northern9 October 2020pharmacy, pharmacists, promotion
Using Websites to Promote Your Service Promoting Your ServiceAlison Northern9 October 2020promotion, marketing
Flyers, Posters & Logos Promoting Your ServiceAlison Northern9 October 2020flyer, leaflet, promotion, promoting, marketing, poster, patients
Top tips for marketing Promoting Your ServiceMichael Bonar31 March 2020Commissioner, Communications, Marketing, Practice Staff, Provider, Referring Practice
Designing and implementing a marketing plan Promoting Your ServiceMichael Bonar31 March 2020Communications, Engagement, Marketing, Provider, Referring Practice
Education champions Promoting Your ServiceMichael Bonar31 March 2020Awareness, Commissioner, Community, Engagement, Marketing, Patient Champions, Patients, Provider, Referring Practice
Developing a communications strategy Promoting Your ServiceMichael Bonar31 March 2020Awareness, Communications, Community, Engagement, Marketing, Provider, Referring Practice
Using social media Promoting Your ServiceAlison Northern31 March 2020Communications, Engagement, Referrals, Patient Champions, Patients, Technology