Linking with Health Campaigns


Nationally and internationally annually there are many health events that you can utilise as a platform to promote your services - such as Hypo Awareness week in October, Diabetes Week in June, World Diabetes Day in November, Prevention week in April. Most are linked to a charity or company who will usually develop resources that you can download or hard-copies you can order.

Here are a few ideas for you to consider:

  • Organise display boards in all practice waiting rooms - DUK always have some great resources you can download, print and laminate some quotes from your evaluations, - here are some posters that you could use Example One


  • Organise a calendar of promotional stands in your local supermarkets, large health centres, leisure centres and other such venues providing general diabetes information as well as information about your education provision

  • Get these advertised locally if you can to let people know you are coming

  • Put out a press release with some quotes from a patient champion and GP lead - this could lead to local press and radio interest

  • Linked to this you may want to contact local radio stations to see if you an get a slot - make them aware of the national event as well as the benefits to local people

  • Pharmacy packs (see article on Utilising Pharmacies)

  • If there is a new element or change to your service you may want to wait and launch it alongside a national event to help gain more traction

  • Social media - schedule a range of posts across your social media platforms. Also alert your CCG and Trust communications department to the national event and also the work you are planning