DESMOND Newly Diagnosed Version 6 – COMING LATER THIS YEAR!


2019 will see the launch of version 6 of the DESMOND Newly Diagnosed and Foundation curriculum! At DESMOND we pride ourselves on being evidence-based and patient-centred, and recently we have seen some large leaps forward in the world of diabetes and its management. We have already incorporated revisions to our nutritional information based on the latest evidence which was published to all  DESMOND Educators in August last year. This year we are carrying out a full review to incorporate a few key changes throughout the curriculum, and we have enlisted the help of some DESMOND sites to do this. Throughout Spring a small number of sites will be providing feedback to us on this review. This feedback will then be incorporated into the new version ready for an Autumn launch.

Are you an existing DESMOND Educator or Site? If you are please get in touch to make sure we have up-to-date contact details for you as the new curriculums will be sent via our warehouse distribution centre in Leicestershire. Email us on Desmond National Programme to update your personal details.