Setting up a signposting hub
Having a central place where you can direct your patients is a great way to integrate and promote local services and support that they can tap into.
You might wish to do this by providing a hard-copy folder with leaflets and posters to your local teams delivering fae-to-face groups, however, another effective and efficient way of centrally collating these is to set up a web page you can then quickly share the link and keeping it up-to-date is much easier.
Key considerations:
Finding the best place to locate this – this could be an additional page on your organisation’s website or anywhere that you feel is best place for this
Ensuring there are links from local practice websites may also be a good route to increase traffic to the site - add it to the text you send to practices where they are advertising your services
You will need to spend some time collating a range of locally available services that may be of interest and keeping this regularly updated
It could be a simple page with hyperlinks to other service’s websites