Guidance for calling patients


Speaking about DESMOND with a patient over the telephone and offering them all available options for their diabetes education.

Speaking with patients really works and there are two points where this has been seen to aid an increase in ‘bums on seats’:

  1. On receipt of referral to book the patient on a session or provide access to digital

  2. To remind the patient of the upcoming sessions (this is proving especially important for virtual group set-up to ensure attendees have the link and know how to sign up on the day)

Points to consider:

  • Be mindful of data protection, and confidentiality

    • For example, if a partner answers the phone, say you will call back, do not divulge details over the phone to anyone but the person intended

  • Use data with caution

    • For example, if the patient is in denial: e.g. doesn’t have diabetes but a ‘touch of sugar’ or they say they are ‘borderline’, suggest that they take part to see what information they can gather, rather than trying to correct them on the phone and putting them off attending

  • Always introduce yourself and explain where you are calling from

    • For example, ‘My name is X and I am calling from the local XXX centre. Please may I speak with Mrs X?’

  • Reaffirm the purpose of the call

  • Reaffirm that the sessions are part of their treatment package and that it’s been recommended by their GP

  • Consider in advance the terminology you use to explain about the education

    • For example, course/programme/treatment/education (all these words can work in different contexts, dependent on your audience)

  • Explain how you have their details

    • e.g. from their practice nurse or GP. If a name is on the referral form then use it, as this may be familiar to the patient

  • Where possible, explain the choices available to the patient

    • For example, different venues, times, length of sessions

    • Virtual, face-to-face, mydesmond

  • Offer them the opportunity to bring someone with them, if this is available locally

  • Let the patient know that it’s an NHS course, is also FREE

  • Offer to send a letter to their employer if needed (we have an example if you would like to view)

  • If you feel in any way compromised due to your role and knowledge-base, then please refer the call to another member of the team or a healthcare professional

  • It often helps to reinforce the key points of the telephone call with a letter

  • If you are making reminder calls, it is recommended that these are done within 48 hours of the session