Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

Your Local DESMOND Coordination Team

Name: Belfast DESMOND Team

Telephone: 02896150498 / 02896150499


Times available: Monday to Friday 09:00 to 17:00

Localities: DESMOND is usually delivered throughout the Health and Wellbeing Centres across Belfast: The Arches Health and Wellbeing Centre, Beech Hall , Bradbury , Shankill , Carlisle. Other centres where delivery takes place are The Grove Library, East Belfast Community Centre – Templemore Avenue. Currently face-to-face is on hold due to Covid-19 and virtual programmes are being offered.

Local Referral Pathway: Referrals received from GP Practice, Practice Nurse, Community MDT, Hospital MDT and Self Referral

Modules Delivered:

DESMOND Newly Diagnosed module available (for patients up to 12 months post diagnosis)

DESMOND Foundation module available (for those with established diabetes)

Virtual programmes

MyDESMOND – Type 2 Diabetes Management - Digital programme for people with Type 2 diabetes. Visit to find out more


The programme is usually 6 hours, delivered face-to-face in group format, in either one day or 2 x 3 hour sessions, 1 week apart. Participants learn more about diabetes, food, medication and how to monitor and manage their own condition. There will be an opportunity to discuss their experiences with others and time to ask questions in an informal and relaxed atmosphere.

Feedback from people who have attended has been very positive, with some saying it has been “life changing” and they wish they had attended sooner!

Currently, The Belfast Trust are not offering any face-to-face education in light of the current pandemic. However, we are continuing to make telephone calls and support each referral coming through to the DESMOND Education Team. We are offering MYDESMOND and some virtual programmes.

Please contact us on either office numbers for more details.