Guidance for Educators

  • Using a web-based video conferencing tool is a different way of delivering the DESMOND programmes. 

  • Educators should aim to use the core behaviours and facilitation skills that are used when delivering face-to-face DESMOND courses. 

  • Using open questions, exploring the participant responses, being non-judgmental and being aware of one’s own verbal and non-verbal responses, remain key skills. 

  • For further information about the core educator behaviours refer to the QD tools in your ND/F curriculum (available to download here) 

  • Delivering virtually is likely to present some challenges, to you as educators as well as participants. Be human, acknowledge any difficulties, problem-solve together and use humour, where appropriate. This will also help to facilitate the relationship between the group and yourself. 

  • The philosophy and theoretical underpinning of DESMOND remains unchanged when delivering via this method. Please refer to your core training manual to refer to these theories. During group activities please allow the group to discuss and support each other and have a go at activities where possible, as this builds confidence in the participants. 

Building your confidence to deliver DESMOND differently

Practicing delivering a session virtually with a colleague, friend or family member first, before delivering to a group of patients, may increase your confidence and help you get used to the technology and facilitation using the video conferencing tool.

Have a go with the visual aids provided and become familiar with what content appears when. Individual session guidance has been produced and can be downloaded with the visual resources from the website . The guidance highlights some considerations/changes to the curriculum when delivering virtually, as well as how the slides may be used.

The Quality Development Tools have been updated for virtual delivery and are available to support your self and peer reflection as well as your development as you work through the QD pathway. You can download them here.

Quality Development mentor and QD assessment visits are able to be conducted during a virtual delivery. Please email for more information and to book.

NDFMichael BonarAdmin