MyDESMOND hits 10k users

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The team at MyDESMOND reaches incredible milestone, with over 10,000 users signed up and committed to improving their diabetes health. 

Currently, during the COVID-19 restrictions across the UK and Ireland, people continue to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Unable to undergo the usual pathway for vital support, MyDESMOND has become an excellent go-to resource for people living with, or at risk of, type 2 diabetes. 

With a fivefold increase in users since the UK went into lockdown back in March, MyDESMOND continues to be a welcoming and reassuring self-management  programme for anyone with or at risk of type 2 diabetes.

One user commented: 

“I was diagnosed in March 2020 with no help because of lockdown. MyDESMOND has helped me learn a lot about diabetes & helped me to understand it more” 

For more information on MyDESMOND, please visit our website here: