Dietitians Week 7th - 13th June
We are delighted that our DESMOND dietitian trainers are taking over our social media for the week to celebrate #DietitiansWeek 2021
At DESMOND, we are extremely fortunate to have a wonderful team of individuals, including three of our fabulous trainers who are also dietitians. To celebrate Dietitians Awareness Week we have asked our three dietitians to share their career journeys with us.
Look out for an exclusive #TwitterTakeover all week, with extra activities planned, including ‘A day in the Life' of…’ and Twitter polls!
Monday: video
Tracey Douglas, DESMOND National Trainer and Quality Development Assessor, shares how she started in her Dietetic role before joining DESMOND.
TUESDAY: A day in the life
A day in the life of 'Sarah Harrison, DESMOND National Trainer and Quality Development Assessor for DESMOND'. A glimpse into working life at team DESMOND, we joined Sarah throughout the day on our twitter channel, where she shared her day with us. For the Twitter thread, please click the twitter post picture, below right.
Wednesday: PODCAST
Anne Rodgers, DESMOND National Trainer and Quality Development Assessor, talks to Sarah Harrison for Dietitians Week, discussing her career journey and joining for DESMOND. Grab a cuppa and press play.
thursday: video
Sarah Harrison, DESMOND National Trainer and Quality Development Assessor, shares how she started in her Dietetic role before joining DESMOND. Sarah details her current role and working life at DESMOND and MyDESMOND.