Tameside Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Your Local DESMOND Coordination Team
Name: Liz Eckersley
Telephone: 0161 342 7083
Email: liz.eckersley@tgh.nhs.uk
Times available: Tuesday/ Wednesday/Thursday
Localities: DESMOND is currently being delivered throughout Tameside and Glossop.
Local Referral Pathway: HCP referrals
Modules Delivered:
Newly Diagnosed module available (for patients up to 12 months post diagnosis)
DESMOND Foundation module available (for those with established diabetes)
MyDESMOND – Type 2 Diabetes Management - Digital programme for people with Type 2 diabetes. Visit www.mydesmond.com to find out more.
We offer :
Online via MyDESMOND (which you complete in your own time). The coordinator can refer you.
One day course 9-4pm - Face to Face- held on a needs required basis at Dewsnap Lane Clinic, Dukinfield, SK16 5AW
Maximum of 10 patients per group but they can bring supporters ( family or friend)
Drinks provided but patients are asked to bring lunch
3 education coordinators
Further Information