
Your Local DESMOND Coordination Team

Name: Aiveen Duffy

Telephone: 0719155152

Email: Desmond.SligoLeitrim@hse.ie

Times available: Monday to Friday 09:00 to 17:00

Localities: DESMOND is currently being delivered throughout County Leitrim. DESMOND programmes are held in 5 different locations in County Leitrim depending on numbers

Local Referral Pathway: Referrals received from GP Practice, Practice Nurse. We prefer patients to be referred by their Practice Nurse or GP, do please let them know that you are interested in attending.

Modules Delivered:

DESMOND Newly Diagnosed module available (for patients up to 12 months post diagnosis)

DESMOND Foundation module available (for those with established diabetes)


DESMOND programmes are delivered by a Diabetes Nurse and Dietitian over 2 half day sessions.

Further Information


IrelandMichael Bonar