Using DESMOND’s virtual slides for in-person sessions

Many DESMOND sites have now resumed their delivery of in-person DESMOND groups. However, some sites have chosen to use some of the slides produced by the DESMOND National Team to deliver virtual DESMOND groups throughout their in-person groups, where facilities allow.

The DESMOND National Team supports using virtual slides within face-to-face groups, which is optional and not a requirement, if the course continues to be delivered in line with the ethos of the DESMOND programme and DESMOND Educator Core Behaviours are being used throughout.

For example, it is paramount that the slides are displayed after the information has been elicited from the group, as opposed to the slides being displayed upfront and information simply being dictated to the group by the Educator/s. The slides should also be referred to when displayed to highlight what is being shown on the slides, which can help support visual learners in the group, as opposed to just being displayed and becoming a forgotten resource.

Benefits of using the virtual slides for in-person sessions

There can be many benefits to using the virtual slides within in-person groups including:

·       A reduction in the use of flipchart paper,

·       A reduction in the time spent during the session writing information out,

·       Removes pressure from Educators when having to build up the glucose story with the use of magnets in Session C: Type 2 Diabetes and Glucose.

Feedback from DESMOND Educators

Tiah Windett and Veronica Heard, DESMOND Educators for First Community Health & Care in Crawley, East Surrey, have been using the virtual slides throughout their in-person groups.

Tiah explains:

“I have been using the virtual DESMOND slides since I began conducting DESMOND courses, and they have transformed my teaching experience. The slides are seamless and visually engaging, which significantly enhances participant involvement and understanding.

“Unlike the magnetic DESMOND materials, the virtual slides eliminate the stop-and-start interruptions, allowing for a smoother flow during sessions. They also help keep me on track with the content. Given how effective they are, I would find it challenging to revert to traditional methods, provided the venue can accommodate this technology.”

Veronica adds:

“I have found the use of the virtual slides in the face-to-face DESMOND course really valuable. Most of the venues we use have the facility to use a large screen. I feel key sessions are enhanced with good graphics and assist with timekeeping and reduce paper usage.

 “I do not reveal the slides before the main questions have been asked and they can be a useful tool for patient reflection. Flip charts are created on paper as per normal delivery and activities are delivered as per usual delivery.  The sessions where we have continued to use the virtual slides include:

 A. Introduction

C. Type 2 Diabetes and glucose

D. Hba1c blood cells slide only

H. Long-term effects

K. Diabetes self-management plan

 “Before the use of the virtual slides, we received regular patient feedback about preference for the course to use digital resources. However, it does require a large enough screen to be used for the room size.”

 To download the DESMOND NDF Virtual Slides please access the DESMOND virtual portal using the link below:

Delivery Resources: Slides, Guidance Notes and delivery options — DESMOND

Password: desmond008